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End of oil heralds climate pain

"Many people think that running out of oil, or "peak oil", would be good for the climate. In his new book The Last Oil Shock, David Strahan begs to differ; he suggests it may bring catastrophe."


US 'has to act' on climate report

"European environment leaders have said the US and Australia must alter their stance on climate change, as talks opened in Brussels on a major report."

Category: Climate Change


UK greenhouse emissions show rise

"The UK's carbon emissions rose by 1.25% last year, according to provisional government data, but Britain remains on course to meet its Kyoto Protocol goal."

Category: Climate Change


EU fuel push 'may damage forests'

"Oil firms have warned that European Union plans on biofuels could damage the world's rainforests."


Bush appointees 'watered down greenhouse science'

"The Bush administration ran a systematic campaign to play down the dangers of climate change, demanding hundreds of politically motivated changes to scientific reports and muzzling a pre-eminent expert on global warming,...

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 1151 to 1155 out of 1185